Monday, September 19, 2011

The Spin & Lies of the GOP

Below is the video of Rep John Flemming crying and whining abouyt why the middle-class, seniors, and poor should be thrilled about paying more taxes so that he doesn't have to. This man disgusts me thoroughly. He states he has numerous sandwich shops, yet I will bet that he wouldn't know how to run any of them nor make any products he sells. He has to rely completely on his employees to work much harder then hom so that he can acquire the $6 million dollars. It would be interesting to kow if any of his sandwich shops have been cited for any health violations. But if they were, I'm sure that Rep Flemming would put ALL the blame squarely on his employees that are expected to run the business with little funding and devote their lives to HIS well being.

Or, more then likely, he probably had those citations "buried".

He is a prime example of of the Modern Day Robber Baron.

Their whole attitude is that they are too good to be associated with the common people and deserve special treatment. They will lie and cajole to justify this attitude of theirs.

The GOP is focused on destroying any and all Labor Laws in America, all for their own benefit (such as Rep Flemming) or for those that have bought and paid for them (such as the Koch Brothers and others).

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